Gasification Information, what about an Island Paradise?

Imagine the picturesque Bimini Islands. Located just forty two miles east of Miami on the Florida coast, it is the closest of the Bahamian Islands to the United States and just a twenty minute hop by air or a couple of hours by boat. Bimini is so close to us geographically, but yet so very far away in terms of waste management regulations compared to the United States.

I recently visited the island paradise of Bimini. Excited by everything, from the warm crystal clear water to the white sugar sand beaches, the Bahamas has so much to offer, not only to the tourist industry, but to the world in general as a pristine fishing ground.

I could spend a great deal of time describing the beauty of North and South Bimini. They are truly little gems and then, on the flip side of the coin, the extreme garbage and trash that has been left to pile up on the side of the roads and along some of the harbor ways is not only an eyesore, but a health hazard.

I checked out the waste management situation in Bimini. There is a landfill on South Bimini that gets burned every now and then, but for the most part, the carcasses of dead cars and trucks just rust away, the used oil and batteries get toted back to Florida occasionally and the rest of the waste just hangs out and gets picked over by the birds and other animals. This is not a very healthy situation for people or our environment.

What is the answer to save their fragile island environment? Perhaps these islands ought to consider a high heat thermal process such as gasification to take care of their waste management needs.

Gasification information wants to not only help the environment in the United States, but would like to inform the world!

Gasification Information - Incineration Versus Thermoselect Process

Gasification info is taking off the gloves and comparing incineration to high heat thermal processing.

Thermoselect Gasification uses a modern process of high heat treatment of waste, by which the organic part of the waste is transformed into synthesis gas and the inorganic fraction into mineral substances and metals. The waste is treated at extremely high temperatures, up to 2,000 degrees centigrade along with pure oxygen and allows for direct melting of the mineral and metallic waste. There are very low emissions due to the high heat and the shock cooling.

Incineration only offers a partial solution to the problem of waste, since slags, ashes and filter dusts are left. The waste is incinerated with significant excess air which only allows temperatures up to nine hundred degrees centigrade and then is cooled slowly, this creates dangerous dioxins and furans. Bottom line, it is very expensive to "clean up" the residual material left by incineration.

It seems that incineration is a thing of the past and is more of a problem than a remedy to our wastemanagement crisis. Gasification Info wants to uncover the truth.


Gasification Information - Thermoselect Process

Gasification Information is interested in the thermoselect technology.

THERMOSELECT is a patented process that recovers a synthesis gas, minerals, metals and sulphur from all types of waste. This is done by means of high temperature gasification of the organic waste and fusion of the inorganic components. Water, salt and zinc concentrate are produced as usable raw materials during the process water treatment. No ashes, slag or filter dusts remain and there is no need for secondary treatment.

The waste is delivered, in step one, without pretreatment, where it is compacted, liquids are distributed and residual air is pressed out. A high compressive force is applied and then the waste is pressed into a degassing duct.

Using high heat, the waste is dried, organic constituents are degassed and enter the high temperature reactor. The carbon and carbon compounds produced are gasified under controlled addition of oxygen at temperatures up to 2000°C and then quenched with water vapors.

While this process does require a great deal of energy and perhaps initial cost, it also recoups energy and other usable products. With little or no harmful emissions as the end product, this is something we should take a closer look at.

We can't continue to put our heads in the sand, or landfill, pun intended. Gasification Info is looking into many avenues for waste management.

Gasification Information - We must Protect our Planet

Gasification Information is aware of all the garbage dumping in the oceans and the havoc it creates not only in the oceans , but to the whole planet.

Some people believe, out of sight, out of mind....and I guess that works if you never have an opportunity to visit the beach and see the unusual objects that float ashore. This is not natural. Think about the marine life that can travel on these "trashy" boats....barnacles from New York sailing down to South America...what kind of impact do these foreign creatures create in this new environment.

Communities that use the oceans as their dumping grounds need to wake up and take responsibility for their actions.

Gasification Info has been seriously researching thermoselect gasification technology and is looking at the options that it offers. Clean burning at an extremely high heat leaving no harmful residue, but creating usable energy may be the answer....

What do YOU think?

Gasification Information - Where does all the Garbage Go?

Gasification Info is looking for solutions to our worldwide problem of waste management...or in other words....where does all the garbage go?

The bottom line is, many people really don't care as long as the "garbage guy" hauls it away at least once a week, but you are different. YOU are reading this blog and have ideas and possible solutions to let's hear them!

In the coming weeks, Gasification Info will take at look at many options for our planet.