Gasification info is taking off the gloves and comparing incineration to high heat thermal processing.
Thermoselect Gasification uses a modern process of high heat treatment of waste, by which the organic part of the waste is transformed into synthesis gas and the inorganic fraction into mineral substances and metals. The waste is treated at extremely high temperatures, up to 2,000 degrees centigrade along with pure oxygen and allows for direct melting of the mineral and metallic waste. There are very low emissions due to the high heat and the shock cooling.
Incineration only offers a partial solution to the problem of waste, since slags, ashes and filter dusts are left. The waste is incinerated with significant excess air which only allows temperatures up to nine hundred degrees centigrade and then is cooled slowly, this creates dangerous dioxins and furans. Bottom line, it is very expensive to "clean up" the residual material left by incineration.
It seems that incineration is a thing of the past and is more of a problem than a remedy to our wastemanagement crisis. Gasification Info wants to uncover the truth.